Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Environmental Assessment Hot Mud Flow East Java, Indonesia

kawan-kawan miliser,

saya baru saja menerima laporan ttg lumpur panas lapindo yg berjudul :

Environmental Assessment Hot Mud Flow East Java, Indonesia
Final Technical Report: United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination mission in June & July 2006 and Follow-up mission in July 2006 UNITED NATIONS
Published in Switzerland, 2006 by the Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit
Copyright © 2006 Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit

Executive Summary

Since 29 May 2006, a mud volcano has been emitting ‘hot mud’ in Sidoarjo district in East Java, Indonesia. Mud volcanoes are geological phenomena due to subsurface over-pressurized mud layers. The cause of the eruption has not yet been established. However, it may be linked to the gas exploration activities by Lapindo Brantas at the Panjar Banji I well.
The mud volcano emits mud at an average rate of more than 40,000 m3/day, and has inundated 4 adjacent villages, displacing nearly 7,000 people. Almost 12,000 (accumulative) medical treatments have been carried out, mainly for people affected by the release of hydrogen sulphide gas.
On 20 June, the Indonesian Ministry of Environment (KLH) made a request for technical assistance with the identification of environmental impacts of the ‘mud flow’ to the United Nations Office of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). OCHA Environmental Emergencies Section in collaboration with the OCHA Field Coordination Support Section deployed a United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team with five environmental experts from 25 June to 6 July 2006. Following a second request made by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment at the end of the UNDAC emergency mission on 27 July 2006, an environmental expert was redeployed to Indonesia. The government of Switzerland kindly provided the expert for this follow up mission.
This report contains the technical findings, conclusions and recommendations,
including results of analysis by the Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherland from the first mission, as well as the report of the follow-up mission.
The latter is in Annex 4.

Summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations

Findings and conclusions
The following is a brief summary of the findings and conclusions. More detail on each of these conclusions can be found in section 3 of this report.
• The current impact on human health and the environment is low due to containment of the mud in above ground basins.
• The above-ground basins are not a sustainable solution.
• Sudden release of the mud into an aquatic environment will kill the aquatic ecosystem and have serious humanitarian consequences.
• Normal levels of organic compounds (including phenols) have been found in the mud.
• Air samples and measured air quality do not show concentrations of toxic gasses (including hydrogen sulphide) above expected levels.
• Risks from reccurent toxic gas emissions, earthquakes and subsidence are unknown, but should be considered.
More research and monitoring of the quality of the mud is needed before final statements can be made on the toxicity of the mud. However, organic compounds, and heavy metals including phenol and mercury are not found to be above normal levels.

The following is a brief summary of the recommendations. More detail on each of these recommendations can be found in section 3 of this report.
• Reinforcement of the above-ground basins is urgently needed.
• The local environmental authorities should strengthen their coordination, analysis and interpretation capacity focusing on heavy metals (in particular mercury) and salinity/conductivity (as an indicator for the dispersion of the mud).
• Developent of a medium term strategy based on a number of options, including a worst case scenario is urgently required.
• Measurement of the radioactive isotopes is required to determine the re-usability of the mud.
• The UN agencies currently involved should continue to monitor the humanitarian impact on the affected population.

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